The Last Friday in May

It's been awhile I'm not posting something bullshit here. Well hi, I'm here now doing my stuff yeah after all I'm doing great. Today is the last Friday in May, I don't know why I just wanna tell you my story, yeah some shitty things. No, it's not a shitty things. For the first time of my life I feel like I'm meaningful for others, like I'm here for some reason. Why people always say that, now I know why. For the past 18 years I've been single, yeah it doesn't mean I'm "JONES" it's mean that I'm proud to be me and I'm proud that my life was great and awesome even without boyfriend. So back to the topic, this is the first time of my life I feel this things. I feel like I'm so meaningful, and people needs my help. That feeling makes me really overwhelmed today. 

Now I'm a college girl. Maybe an engineer? Aamiin. I study at Shipbuilding Polytechnic of Surabaya. Why I choose Surabaya? First of all from elementary school I really wanna study out of Batam Island. At junior high school I entered Darunnajah Islamic Boarding School at Jakarta. It was just for a year and my mom wants me to came back, so I back to Batam. And now Alhamdulillah I can go to Surabaya. 

Here I really poor of knowledge. I just know that people here really smart than I am and they all speak javaneese. For the first time I went somewhere far and live my own and surrounded by people that can't talk my language. It means I'm abroad? hahahaha maybe. But really, I feels like in another planet here. Cause I really didn't know a single piece of words they say. And when they talked to me I just say "Sorry I can't understand" and they just keep speak javaneese and I'm just like yeah whatever. It's really tough for the first 6 month. And now I'm in 2nd semester. Now I know a little what are they saying and can adapt well makes many friend from another country. 

It's 10 month already and thanks to my roommate that she always there when I'm alone. And thanks to my laptop and wifi that always there when every time I'm bored. I used to it now. The air, the neighborhood, the people, the language, and even the food. I'm busying my self enjoying something fun such as organization and something else that makes me busy and forget about. It doesn't mean I didn't miss my mom, my dad and my grandma. I do really miss them so much, if I keep writing about them maybe I'm gonna cry all night long, so go on. So I join "Himpunan" as an internship staff. And they trust me with as a leader of a work program or something else. That thing is "DM Care". What is DM Care? DM Care is an event like social service from Design Manufacture. Because of we didn't have much time to prepare the big event, so we just giving a food at street. And when I giving food  to  the poor, I saw their face smiling like telling me "thanks God for your kindness hand that you gave it to me through this people that gave me this food for today". I really overwhelmed. It feels hurt at the same time cause I'm just imagine that I'm on their position. How happy I am when I saw people walking to me and give food when I really need that food. And there I realize I'm here for a reason. I'm here because someone needs me. Maybe I'm not smart, not pretty, can't do nothing, but at least I can help others that needed. I wanna cry but I just hold it in cause I know I did a good things today so don't even bother to tearing up. 

And over all, thank you for all my friends that join this operation I'm so glad I have you. Here the photos.


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